GetUnsuspended Review: Amazon Account Suspension Appeal Service


Amazon is a thriving marketplace for sellers worldwide, but the platform is also known for its strict policies and frequent account suspensions. For sellers who depend on Amazon as their primary source of income, facing an account suspension can be a nightmare. In such situations, GetUnsuspended is a professional service designed to help Amazon sellers with suspended accounts.

This comprehensive review will cover the services offered by GetUnsuspended, pricing, types of suspensions they can help with, and more.

What is GetUnsuspended?

GetUnsuspended is a professional service that specializes in helping Amazon sellers with suspended accounts. Their team of experts works closely with clients to appeal suspensions and get their accounts reinstated. With fast, cost-effective solutions backed by a money-back guarantee, GetUnsuspended is a valuable resource for sellers facing Amazon account suspensions.

Services Offered by GetUnsuspended

GetUnsuspended offers two main services:

  1. Suspension Assist (done WITH you): This service provides 24-hour support, including weekends, and helps sellers draft their appeal letter and plan of action. The one-time payment for UK clients is £299 +VAT, while the fee for US clients is $449.

    With Suspension Assist, clients work closely with GetUnsuspended’s team of experts to address the issues leading to the suspension. The team provides guidance and support throughout the process, ensuring that clients can submit a well-structured and effective appeal.

  2. Suspension Pro (done FOR you): This premium service guarantees a 72-hour response, including weekends. The one-time payment for UK clients is £699 +VAT, while the fee for US clients is $1,299.

    Suspension Pro is a comprehensive service where GetUnsuspended’s experts handle the entire appeal process for their clients. From drafting a detailed plan of action to communicating with Amazon on behalf of the client, the team at GetUnsuspended takes care of every aspect of the appeal. This service is ideal for sellers who want a hands-off approach to reinstating their account.

Money-Back Guarantee

GetUnsuspended offers a full money-back guarantee for their Suspension Pro service. If the team is unable to successfully reinstate a client’s account, they will issue a full refund. This guarantee provides peace of mind for sellers, knowing that they won’t be left out of pocket if the appeal process is unsuccessful.

Types of Suspensions GetUnsuspended Can Help With

GetUnsuspended is equipped to handle a wide range of suspension issues, including:

  1. Authenticity Complaints: These suspensions occur when a buyer or brand owner claims that a product sold on Amazon is not genuine. The GetUnsuspended team can help sellers provide the necessary documentation and evidence to prove the authenticity of their products.

  2. Counterfeit Claims: Similar to authenticity complaints, counterfeit claims involve accusations of selling fake products. GetUnsuspended can guide sellers on how to address these claims and provide proof that their products are legitimate.

  3. Used Items Sold As New: Sometimes, buyers may complain that an item listed as new was actually used or damaged. The team at GetUnsuspended helps sellers address these complaints and demonstrate that their items are in the advertised condition.

  4. IP and Trademark Infringement: Intellectual property (IP) and trademark infringements can lead to suspensions when sellers are accused of using copyrighted images, logos, or brand names without permission. GetUnsuspended can assist in resolving these issues by helping sellers demonstrate their compliance with IP and trademark laws.

  5. Copyright Infringement: Similar to IP and trademark infringement, copyright infringement suspensions occur when sellers are accused of using copyrighted content without permission. GetUnsuspended can help sellers address these allegations and prove their compliance with copyright laws.

  6. Late Shipment Rate: When a seller’s late shipment rate exceeds Amazon’s performance targets, their account may be suspended. The team at GetUnsuspended can help sellers develop a plan to improve their shipping performance and prevent future suspensions.

  7. Order Defect Rate: An order defect rate (ODR) suspension occurs when a seller’s ODR exceeds Amazon’s performance targets. GetUnsuspended can help sellers analyze the reasons for their high ODR and implement strategies to improve their performance.

  8. Linked Accounts Safety Complaints: Amazon may suspend accounts that are linked to other accounts with safety complaints. GetUnsuspended can help sellers address these issues and prove that their accounts are not linked to any problematic accounts.

  9. Forged Documents: If sellers submit altered or fabricated documents to Amazon, they may face a suspension. The GetUnsuspended team can help sellers provide genuine documentation and rectify the situation.

  10. Review Manipulation: Amazon takes review manipulation seriously and suspends accounts that are found to be engaging in such practices. GetUnsuspended can help sellers address these allegations and demonstrate their compliance with Amazon’s policies.

  11. Product Safety Complaints: When buyers report safety issues with a product, Amazon may suspend the seller’s account. GetUnsuspended can help sellers address these complaints and provide evidence of their product’s safety.

  12. Rights Owner Notice of Infringement: Amazon suspends accounts when rights owners claim that a seller’s products infringe on their intellectual property rights. GetUnsuspended can help sellers address these claims and prove that their products do not infringe on any rights.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

GetUnsuspended has received positive feedback from clients who have used their services. Many customers appreciate their prompt and efficient service, as well as their expertise in dealing with Amazon suspensions. One reviewer mentioned how the Suspension Safeguard insurance offered by GetUnsuspended as an add-on to their Buy Bot Pro subscription was worth the investment. The reviewer commended the company’s customer service and responsiveness in helping them reinstate their account.

On the other hand, no service is perfect, and there may be instances where customers may not be fully satisfied. However, GetUnsuspended’s money-back guarantee for their Suspension Pro service provides reassurance for clients who may be hesitant to try their services.

Contact Information

GetUnsuspended can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 0203 442 0700. You can also visit their website for additional information and resources.


GetUnsuspended offers valuable services for Amazon sellers facing account suspensions. With their expertise in handling various types of suspensions and their money-back guarantee, they provide a reliable solution for sellers looking to reinstate their accounts.

Whether you opt for their Suspension Assist or Suspension Pro service, GetUnsuspended can help you navigate the complexities of Amazon’s suspension appeals process. If you value your Amazon business and want to protect it from potential suspensions, consider reaching out to GetUnsuspended for a consultation or for more information on their services.

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